Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sal (Shorea Robusta) in Nepal

 Plant local name:

    Distribution and Description:

      The tree is native to Indian sub continent ranging south of the Himalaya from Myanmar in east to Nepal, India and Bangladesh. In Nepal it is mostly found in terai region from east to west, especially in the Churia range. There are many protected areas such as Chitwan national park, Bardia national park and Shukla phata wildlife reserve where there are dense forests of huge Sal trees. It is also found in the lower belt of the hilly region and inner terai.
         S. Robusta is a large, deciduous tree up to 50m tall and with a DBH at 5m, these are exceptional sizes, and under normal conditions, it attains a height of about 18-32 m and girths 1.5-2m.
         The leaves of shorea Robusta are simple, shiny, glabrous, about 10-25cm long and broadly oval at the base, with apex tapering into a long point, new leaves reddish, soon becoming delicate green, flowers yellowish-white, arranged in large terminal or axillary racemose panicles.
           Fruit at full size is about 1.3-1.5cm long and 1cm in diameter it is surrounded by segments of the calyx enlarged into 5 rather unequal wings.

 Importance in Nepal:
           The natural s. Robusta forests in the terai are the country’s main source of building timber, and in the valleys of the hill region are a valuable source of timber fuel wood and fodder. The timber weighs between 800kg/m^3 and 960kg/m^3. It is an excellent fuel wood, with an energy content at about 22,700 KJ/kg for the heartwood and 21,300KJ/kg for the sapwood.
           Sal oil or butter is used for cooking locally and used for soap up to 30%. Refined, modified fat is a substitute for cocoa butter and used in confectionery industry. Sal butter is used in manufacturing of edible ghee, paints and pigments, lubricants, auto oil, etc. Sal seed oil can be used economically for production of bio diesel.
         S. Robusta leaves are widely used for making leaf plate and cups for both home use and sale to sale plate factories.


  1. this information was really helpful to us...keep posting more in days to come..@

  2. i want the market information of this sal in nepal

  3. i want the market information of this sal in nepal

  4. I want to know the present cost price of sal wood to use in building construction of nepali sal wood please . Thank you
