- Acacia auriculiformis /Family- Mimosaceae
- Callistemon citrinus/ Family- Myrtaceae (Kalki phool)
- Cassia Siamea/ Family- Caesalpiniaceae ( Iron Wood)
- Casuarina equisetifolia / Family- Casuarinaceae
- Ceiba Pontandra / Family- Bombacaceae (Kapok- White Silk)
- Cinnamomum camphora/ Family- Lauraceae ( Camphor Tree-Kapur)
- Crypotomera japonica/ Family- Coniferae ( Dhupi salla- Cryptomeria)
- Delonix regia/ Family- Caesalpinaceae ( Gulmohar- Gold Mohur)
- Eucalyptus camaldulensis/ Family- Myrtaceae ( Red gum - Masala)
- Grevillea robusta / Family- Proteaceae ( Kangiyo- Silver Oak )
- Jacaranda mimosifolia/ Family- Bignoniaceae
- Leucaena leucocephala / Family- Mimosaceae ( Ipil Ipil )
- Pinus Patula/ Family- Pinaceae ( Patula salla)
- Populus ciliata/ Family- Solisaceae ( Himalayan poplar- Bangikot)
- Populus deltoides / Family- Saliscaceae ( Black poplar- Lahre pipal)
- Prosopis juliflora/ Family- Leguminosae ( Mesquite)
- Saraca indica/ Family- Leguminosae ( Asok)
- Tectona grandis / Family- Verbenaceae ( Teak- Sagawan)
Saturday, July 7, 2018
Important Exotic Tree Species of Nepal
Agencies involved in harvesting and distribution of Forest products in Nepal
- Government
- District Forest Office
- Forest Product Development Board(FPDB)
- Timber Corporation of Nepal (TCN)
- Herbs Production and Processing Company Ltd.
- Forest User Groups (FUGs)
- Private Sectors in auctioning
Monday, July 2, 2018
Manufacturing Process of Cutch and Katha and their Uses
Cutch and Katha are obtained by boiling in water, chips of heartwood of Acacia catechu (khair) as the chief constituent of heartwood are Catechin (katha) and catechu-tannic acid (cutch). The manufacturing process is essentially extraction rather than distillation as the chips are boiled in water and not treated with stream.
The manufacture of Cutch and Katha is done by Country method as well as by Factory method. But the country method is wasteful. In Factory Method, wood is chipped by disintegrators and boiled chipped in copper vessels with hot water under slight pressure. The extract is concentrated in vacuum and cooled in a refrigerator tank for about a week, when Katha crystallizes out. It is separated by filter presses cut into slabs and further sliced into square tablets which are then dried. The yield of Katha by this method is about 4 to 5 % by weight of the wood. To obtain Cutch, the liquor is further concentrated in evaporators to a consistency at which it is solidified on cooling. The Cutch yield is about 10 to 12% by weight of the wood.
Katha is mainly used in Pan but sometimes also used in medicine. Cutch is an important commercial product which is used as dyeing and preservative agent. It is used in dyeing cotton and silk and in calico-printing.