often believe that we can express our individuality, the real us by acquiring
particular looks, personality, knowledge, achievement , wealth and other such material
things. But do these define who we are?
We are undermining
ourselves when we let these things define our notion of expressing our
The Bhagavad-Gita, teach us that this individuality is
present on three different levels:
1. The physical appearance of a person 2. The
subtle level- mind, intelligence and ego
3.spiritual level -spiritual identity of a soul
Gita tells us that our actual individuality is
spiritual, not material. Our material individuality is due to internal
impressions and external compulsions which are not real. This material individuality obscures the
real me, the soul. As souls, we are all individuals with our own unique forms
and our unique relationships with the supreme truth. Our true individuality is equipped with eternality, full- bliss and knowledge( Sat-cit-ananda).
To uncover our true individuality, we need to practice on the path that connects us to the supreme truth, which is all- pure. We will be then directed to higher taste and interest discarding the lower. When this happens our individuality thus expressed will be a noble one. Centering our individuality on our spirituality doesn’t lead to rejecting our material side but to harmonizing our material side with our spiritual essence and purpose.
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