Monday, May 3, 2021

Covid, Karma and Bhagavad Gita

 The corona pandemic can be seen in another way from a more higher dharmic perspective. Dharma states that each one of has a purpose and there is  a reason on why we exists? There is a optimal path for each one of us that is specifically designed for our soul which aligns with the cosmic order. But when number of us has moved away from our path , nature reacts to restore the balance in the cosmic order. Does this corona pandemic  imply vengeance  and wrath upon  the human society? No, It simply demands change from us. But can't this be done in less harsh way ? The truth is transformation only happens when we are challenged. Superficial understanding does not lead to core transformation.

We can see that the corona pandemic has caused  catastrophic scenes all around the world since more than a year. Each one of us are facing different challenges , some are realizing the value of life due to fear of death, while others are having immense financial difficulties, anxiety and many other difficulties. But , these challenges are designed to bring us back to our true purpose, to reflect on what is more important , make us more spiritual conscious.

Although the spread of corona virus is a global event, each one of us are bound to face it according to our individual karma. Karma is anything we do that produces results. Karmic activity sets context of our life over  which we have no control and  dharmic activity is the  correct way to navigate through these context, it is the best path to walk given the circumstances and to grow spiritually too. 

People are destined to die through any means be it virus, old age or other diseases, So , instead being  anxious, Gita teaches us to  contemplate on; What is actually death? Why we die although none of us wish to die? Can’t we become deathless? Why we get diseased although none of us like to get diseases? Why are we getting old day by day although none of us like old age? Who are we actually? How do we get out of this  temporary , miserable world ? Anyone who truly contemplates and seeks to understand is assured of realization of the reality of  our existence and death.

Krishna says ; That which pervades the entire body you should know to be indestructible. No one is able to destroy that imperishable soul.  The body we have is made of matter and is destined to get diseased, become old and die out one day. And the good news is we as a soul are eternal, deathless. Living entity keeps on changing bodies and getting new births. What we have to endeavor for; is to be out of birth, disease, old age, death cycle.



Friday, April 30, 2021

Theory of everything and Bhagavada Gita


The theory of everything is that which  would explain everything in the universe, from quantum particles to spiral galaxies or a hypothetical framework explaining all known physical phenomena in the universe which researchers have  searched for such a model ever since the development of quantum mechanics and Albert Einstein's Theory of relativity.

But we can take this simply, as that which explains the cause of all causes or give answers to all of our Whys? 

We may be inclined to think that Theory of everything solely is the subject matter of modern physics and  quantum mechanics. To our dismay, we are less known and exposed to the profundity of Gita where Krishna explains the concept and nature of absolute reality, time and space, the nature  and origin of self and matter. Krishna speaks about the supreme cause of all causes and the purpose of creation.

Literature like Bhagavatam goes further as well, describing in detail the stages of creation, the age and dimensions of the universe, the purpose of the creation, and the origin of the material elements. It is  with much additional information and scientifically sound principles, such as the interrelatedness of space and time, cosmic events ranging over billions of years, and different time measurements on different planets. These points should evoke interest in any inquisitive person to take up the study of the BhagavatamIt not only proclaims  how it is created but also why it is created.

Modern science is mute on this  aspect, but the Bhagavad has the answer. The ultimate goal of the Gita's teaching is to not only give us the knowledge about the reality of universe but to take us from this temporary material existence limited by space and time to the spiritual realm, where we live our spiritual existence eternally. For this self contemplation and realization is essential and the spiritual injunction from the self realized soul is required as stated in Gita.

Goal, Success, Happiness and Bhagavad Gita


Setting goals, which is important to achieve success and happiness; without knowing who we are is an incomplete and incompetent approach. That is why we can see a lot of example in todays' world ; despite achieving huge success , wealth and fame that one has desired , one is not equipped with happiness. 

Gita  remind us that it is futile to think that material advancement will reform our life. The real happiness is in being self-satisfied and in controlling and tolerating the countless demands of mind and senses. We today want instant gratification and is ready to do anything and everything to get what we want. What we need to understand is that happiness and material opulence is not synonymous. 

Gita tells that we are eternal spiritual beings beyond body, senses and mind. Since our identity is not material but spiritual, worldly things can’t bring the soul happiness. The soul requires a spiritual atmosphere to realize their completeness and fulfillment. The above, is one of the central  teachings of Bhagavad Gita.

Only when we know who we are then we can know our purpose, set true goals and achieve success and happiness.

Our ultimate goal should be to seek answers to; the ultimate cause of the creation, our position in the cosmos and what is our ultimate duty to perform. When one seeks answer to these question , one is sure to be exposed to the source of eternal happiness and success.

Individuality (The real self) and Bhagavad Gita


We often believe that we can express our individuality, the real us by acquiring particular looks, personality, knowledge, achievement , wealth and other such material things. But do these define who we are?

We are undermining ourselves when we let these things define our notion of expressing our individuality.

The Bhagavad-Gita, teach us that this individuality is present on three different levels: 

 1. The physical appearance of a person 2. The subtle level- mind, intelligence and ego

 3.spiritual level -spiritual identity of a soul 

Gita tells us that our actual individuality is spiritual, not material. Our material individuality is due to internal impressions and external compulsions which are not real. This material individuality obscures the real me, the soul. As souls, we are all individuals with our own unique forms and our unique relationships with the supreme truth. Our true individuality is equipped with eternality, full- bliss and knowledge( Sat-cit-ananda).

To uncover our true individuality, we need to practice on the path that connects us to the supreme truth, which is all- pure. We will be then directed to higher taste and interest discarding the lower. When this happens our individuality thus expressed will be a noble one. Centering our individuality on our spirituality doesn’t lead to rejecting our material side but  to harmonizing our material side with our spiritual essence and purpose.

Question may arise , doesn't  the standardization of activities in spiritual path suppress and destroy our individuality? The Vedic teachings says that the  standardization only  destroys the coverings that block our actual individuality.